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“Cyberprostitution” definition:

To better define the concept of “cyberprostitution”, we first need to separate the two words.
Cyber, refers to “of, relating to, or involving computers or computer networks (such as the
Internet)” according to the Merriam-Webster. In other words, the word cyber is associated
with technology and networking of the new generation. Prostitution on the other hand, is the
act of exchanging sexual relations in exchange for general goods – generally money. However,
whoredom itself is a common practice since the early stages of mankind, so how can these two
concepts become unified?
Cyberprostitution is nothing more than the progression, and by this we refer to the process of
acknowledging the generational shift. In a society so well connected with technology and
information, the market for sexual exchange had to improve and become functional in a
cybernetic world. Thus, the term is in its full extensions is the practice of prostitution,
performed by a technologic savvy person utilising modern tools to attract a wider and more
diverse audience, the exchange will happen virtually, without the need for both parties (the
client and the producer) to engage in any physical activity, in other words, this exchange can
happen in any time period and in any location with immediacy.

Is it Profitable?

This question is detrimental in any business or exchange, since it determines the future of the
field itself. CyberProstitution is a fast growing market that has been popularized by how easy it
is to enter, with that being said whenever something becomes popular and achievable by the
average person, the value of that service decreases, but is that the case with this business?
The answer is no, at least for the most part of the content producers, the reasoning behind this
is very simple, the demand is too high. As it was referred previously the methodology of
exchange allows the producer to reach vast audience, that is not limited by number (one
producer can be sending content to multiple consumers at once.), and allowing the possibility
to reach out to anyone anywhere anytime. One key factor that is often forgotten is the privacy
of the consumer, unlike the traditional version of prostitution where there was an absolute
need of verbal and physical communication; cyberprostitution is very protective regarding
personal information facilitating the whole process. The generation itself is one strong factor
for the financial success in this branch of work, there is an absolute need for immediacy, things
have to happen in the moment, the need to make appointments or schedules is redundant,
and in cyberprostitution there is no need for such, which is why it is so attractive to the latest

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