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Cons of cyber prostitution

To explain the cons of cyber prostitution, it is necessary, given the fact it is not a common
term, to explain what this is. Well, this type of prostitution is not practiced in the streets, but it
is on social media or apps like Tinder. These people, usually girls, do not meet with the clients,
they just send naked pictures or videos, after the price is stipulated and the payment is made
First of all, it is not well seen by society. Of course, this also has to do with our interest in
society´s opinion, but, in general, people do not see this as something correct or productive.
For the community these people are immoral. Then, it is dangerous, these girls can be
harassed or persecuted, if they simply expose too much information about their lives in the
social media. A normal girl who´s on Instagram or Tinder a lot of times receives not so polite
messages from different guys, or worst, the same men insisting or harassing her, so it is easy to
imagine what happens to these cyber prostitutes.
Also, the person who receives the picture can take a screenshot and then share it with
anyone he/she wants to. The images and videos in these cases can have major repercussions
and stay online forever, and the prostitutes are not able to control it. Even if they decide to
leave this life and start a more serious job, it will be difficult because they will always have
evidence of their past. That is not the only point, in a “real” job the workers have a work
accident insurance in case something happens and also the normal rights like holidays,
monthly salary, etc., when people decide to choose something related to the world of
prostitution they do not have this life safety.

Therefore, as everything else, this way of living does not have just cons. This is just my
perspective when looking to the negative side. Cyber prostitution is a sensible and serious
subject and should be more under control.

How social media is used in cyber prostitution?

Nowadays social media are not just to post photos and videos, but they are also a platform to
sell. In this case to sell pornography. So, in these modern days it is possible to see more than
just street prostitutes, it is possible to see also the so-called cyber prostitutes.
This usually is a market more common for women. They create a public profile on Tinder and
Instagram normally with provocative pictures explaining in the biography what they do. Then
they receive private messages asking for the price and after the payment is sent these cyber
prostitutes send the images, usually naked. The person doing this can send the video or photo
to the chat and the receiver will have access to it when he/she desires to. However, most of
the times the prostitute sends it through a photo where people have just a few seconds to see
it and a few seconds to open it again, but then we are not able to watch it again. Thus,
Snapchat is important too, but instead of other social media, this one is not so relevant to
make publicity of their work, but more to send it, and, like Instagram, the method of
circulating their work is the same.
The community of Instagram does not look at this as if it was something acceptable, given the
fact that these social media are a platform that people use to post aesthetic photos, with a
vintage or Tumblr style, a way of showing the pretty side of life, and this kind of online
prostitution is something that the users despise and when they see these pages they generally
denounce the account. There are an article on Fox News from July 6, 2016 that explains how
Instagram does not accept the use of the service for illegal content. The same happens on
Snapchat, given that it is used to show to the followers what they are doing at the moment, for
example, not to have this kind of subject. However, on Tinder it is different, this is a platform
to online dates, and several times what people are really looking for are not romantic
relationships, but more physical ones. So people see this as something more normal given the
environment of this application.
In conclusion, as the Quartz website said in November 5, 2017: “On the Internet, sex
workers found they could advertise to many more potencial customers…”. So, given the facts,
it is possible to observe that this market is something that has been growing and it won´t stop

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