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Is cyber prostitution a more practical form of prostitution?


When photography started to be popularized in the 19th century, the main point commerce
was initially mostly about self-portraits of themselves or their loved ones. What popularized
the industry was the marketing of nude pictures. In the early stages the Internet, pornographic
content was integrated with the concept of internet, at least in the eyes of the popular
opinion; the Internet was infested with adult content. There was no denying that pornography
played a major role in the popularization of the internet.
Prostitution is, at its core, a simple transaction - a trade of money for a sexual service. As long
as all parties are of legal age (established by the constitution of each country) and their
consent, when can a transaction be considered a crime? It is debatable that legalizing or
decriminalizing sex work is beneficial to curbing the HIV epidemic because it allows
governments to monitor and regulate the sex trade. An article from December 2017 by the
“Huffpost”, states that legalizing prostitution could reduce HIV infections nearly its half. With
that being said, they can ensure that sex workers are empowered to negotiate condom use,
improve their access to public services and protect them from violence and abuse. However
imagine all of that made possible but through the Internet. There will not be any more victims
of violence or rape, and risk of catching sexually transmitted diseases will no longer exist. The
ability to reach a wide spanning market, collecting valuable research on potential customers
and conduct business in other parts of the country or world, has created a virtual business
growth that no one could have foreseen.
Cyber prostitution is the influence of an adapting and demanding market, where both the
consumers and the producers see their wellbeing protected and secured.



Pros of Cyber Prostitution

Anybody with Internet access and assets can enter the market of cyber prostitution, their
immediacy and easy functionality
Through Instagram, Snapchat or Tinder selling photographs or videos of your own body and
sexual acts has become as simple and easy as selling your old television that has become
Cyber prostitution is a plain access process with a quick and safe transaction. The professional
chooses to sell whatever picture or video they choose, they have consent and power in every
single decision. Unlike cyber prostitution, prostitutes on the streets there are several risks.
Unfortunately there are victims everywhere. When you work frequently at your own risk on
the streets the job can go south. There are many cases of violence against the professional or
even being forced to do something they aren’t comfortable with, becoming a case of rape.
On the other hand, not doing the job in your own, with someone responsible for yourself,
colloquially called a pimp. A pimp is someone, usually a men who finds and manages clients for
prostitutes. They sometimes are also a symbol for protection in case something doesn’t go as
planned. However they engage them in prostitution in order to profit from their earnings,
while in cyber prostitution you are your own boss.
There is also the question of the sexually transmitted diseases epidemic. An article from May
2018 by the California Health line states that sexually transmitted diseases have hit a record
high in California last year, with sometimes deadly consequences. A lot of times the sexual acts
performed are done in an unsafely manner. Also translates in sexually transmitted diseases
being transmitted and the professional being unsafe and also becoming the propagator of
diseases? Unlikely cyber prostitution where there is a zero percentage of risk of catching any
disease and a 100 percentage of being safe and secure.
In conclusion, cyber prostitution is a more practical and safe form of prostitution both for the
professional and the client.

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